SlimPHP 2.x Custom Classes for Routes

If you want custom classes for your slim project you can do so by adding a route in the index.php file like this:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Slim\App;

Now if your namespace is called foo and the Class bar with a function baz you then your file foo/bar.php will look like:

namespace foo;

class Bar{
public function baz($name){
  echo 'hello ' . $name . '!';

To Get to the $app variable in the custom class (for getting post variables for instance) you can add this to your Class:

protected $_app;

public function __construct() {
        $this->_app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();

If you will be having a lot of classes, you can add this to a parent class, and have Bar extend that class Like so:

namespace Foo;
Class BaseClass{
protected $_app;
public function __construct()
  $this->_app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
Other file:
namespace Foo;

class Bar extends BaseClass{
public function __construct()
public function baz($name){
  echo 'hello ' . $name . '!';


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