Simple DIY Product Photography
A friend asked me to try and make some nice product pictures for his website.
Since I mostly shoot landscapes, I thought I would like to try a simple setup, to shoot product photography without any specialised equipment (except for an external flash and camera offcourse 🙂 ).
I wanted some reflection of the product, so I used my old Ipad as a glass plate to place the product on, you can use any other glass plate or tablet you have available.
I first tried flashing right on the bracelet (on a white table) which gave a lot of flash reflections in the product picture:

It could be worse, but I’m not super thrilled about the result. I need to bounce the flash, and place the flash inside a small space, to get a nice effect.
So for my “product photo studio” I used one of the cubes in my ikea kallax closet, you can use any space you have preferably with a white ceiling to bounce the flash off), or create a box with some white wood
As you can see in the picture below, my wall has a little blue-ish color, which I think adds to the end result.

Result (unedited):