Category: Development

Shopify Product Inventory Information App

Our new app that let’s you display product inventory location information on your shopify frontend has been listed in the shopify app store if you have multiple locations setup in shopify, and want to display shopify product stock quantities per location in the frontend, try our app for free for 14 days!

We created this app because some of our customers who have a shopify store, and multiple brick and mortar locations were looking to display their shopify inventory quantities on the product page. They already set up shopify multi location in the backend, and wanted to use that information to give the customer an idea of inventory close to them.

Show Lightspeed Inventory Information on shopify

With our new app to display inventory levels per shopify location on the frontend, we got a request to connect the shopify app with a lightspeed retail account .So that the customer could display inventory information from the lightpseed retail accounts, in stead of shopify. This is interesting for brick & mortar stores, who use lightspeed retail for physical locations, and have an online store running on the shopify platform. The only thing needed in order for this to work is that the skus on shopify and lightspeed match.

The interface has been developed, and even with 40+ store locations it works like a charm.

Shopify Frontend Inventory Quantities per Location

A lot of merchants who need inventory levels displayed per location on the shopify frontend have reached out, and came up with great feature ideas to add to the inventory locations app which I’ve made so that you can display location inventory information on the frontend in shopify.

These are the current options in the app to show inventory levels per location:

  • Hide Out of stock locations in frontend
  • Only Show Out of stock / In stock per location (don’t show the exact inventory quantities on the shopify frontend)
  • Use inventory threshold to display out of stock / Low stock / High stock at certain quantity amounts
  • Rename Location names for displaying inventory in the frontend (if your backend location names aren’t descriptive enough, you can rename it for the frontend listing)




If you have any other ideas to add to this app, just let me know, if it fits the apps goal to show location inventory information on the shopify frontend I would be happy to add it.

One Merchant asked me to create a lightspeed connection between the app and shopify, so he is able to display his lightspeed retail inventory on the shopify frontend. I’m currently creating a seperate lightspeed app for that, if you are interested let me know.